Yes! You're in luck. While most facial fillers last anywhere from six-to-12 months, there is a long-term, semi-permanent option that may be right for you.
Like most patients who have had fillers in the past, you are tired of having to return to your doctor's office every 6-12 months for your treatments. They call this filler fatigue". Over 80% of those who undergo filler treatments have said they would like a longer lasting option.
In a recent survey conducted by Harris Poll, many of you & eight million of nine million surveyed & shared that you want a longer-lasting filler. That's not all. The same Harris Poll survey showed that more than four in five filler users would go as far as switching providers if it meant they could get an injectable that safely gave them natural-looking improvements for years.
You also want a filler that is safe and effective. Bellafill® is both! For these patients Bellafill® may be the best option.
Bellafill is the only semi-permanent filler FDA approved to last up to 5 years! We know it's a hassle to schedule and make your filler appointments up to 2 times a year or more! That time off from work adds up. Now, instead of having to take time off work every 6 months, you can go up to 5 years feeling and looking more refreshed, while saving money and time. Call Dr. Mary C. DuPont, Bellafill Specialist in Chevy Chase, MD and Washington DC and say goodbye to filler fatigue, for good!
Find solutions to your intimate concerns at DuPont Institute
Your journey to sexual health and wellness is unique. Contact the team at the DuPont Institute today to learn about the innovative treatments that can help you improve your sex life and personal wellness. Discover how you can not only find your mojo but get back into the groove of your life. The DuPont Institute serves the Chevy Chase and Washington, D.C. areas.